Lots of monsters, a fair number of puzzles. Highly non-linear - there are multiple solutions to nearly all the puzzles. You may need a 486/66 or ...
The UAC has genetically engineered the foes you met in hell from Top Secret Samples they obtained in controlled tests of teleportational gates. N...
A Deathmatch level, but fully implemented for the weak or cooperative. It has 2 ways to exit, one of them being cooperative. The other one is blo...
You materialize on a ledge in the side of a large cavern. Looking around you realize its not a cavern, its an enormous room echoing with the grow...
My second wad. This is smaller than my first one, SCOTDOC1.wad. Have fun.
Slagfest! This wad is very challenging in single player mode and even harder in coop mode. The deathmatches are fairly good since the level is sm...
This is my first level. Created with DoomEd The Real Thing What an editor should be...
On a remote, class M planet, is a colony, established to manage an uncommon source of fresh water, a site known as Wellsping. The infection of We...
This my idea of what the military base should have been on E1M9. However, backup firepower is recomended. Deathmatch should be a literal blast, b...
My first project based on the Map13 TNT. Nuff' said.
Fairly mean level. A few nasty surprises. Generally fun. A few big rooms. A tall tower. Lots of monsters. Lots of weapons. Thrills. Chills. Darkn...