This is the third of eight level that I created a really longtime ago and never got around to adding more to (5-6 years ago).
classic doom megawad with 34 maps. I started this megawad in 2002! then I abandonned the project and reassumed it in 2011. back in 2002 I made th...
JHCOOL.WAD is a cool little series of seven levels.
Small first-level-styled map.
This is a wad designed for deathmatch 2 (-Altdeath)<br><br> direct conervsion of coloseum.wad for DOOM 1, with slight modifications for more enjo...
Deathmatch level
The set is a midevil castle, Your an interloper in this society. YOU don't belong! You were captured while slumbering from your long trek on your...
Possibly the most controversial in Doom history I have ever made, takes place after the events of Ocean House. You finally escape that sunken dre...
Clean those shotguns and grab your thinking caps DOOMers! Here's nine levels of hot and tasty DOOM II action. For an _extra_ challenge play each ...
"Pesha" is a series of three limit-removing maps, each one made in a single sitting for the Stanimap- ping contest. Maps, while thematically conn...
DooM ][ level 1 Go to my homepage for screenshots at:
You have been teleported into the
An short wad which is set in, as you see in the title, The Abandoned Labs, features 3D floors and 4 new textures. Like i said before it is short ...
Playable singleplayer, co-op or deathmatch. You plunge through the gate of blood. There is a wrenching sensation ....
Massive single player map.
Wait a minute. Just a minute ago you were battling the hordes of hell, and now, a step through a teleport later, you've found your- self in the 7...
This is my final wad, next might be a Quake level. This wad contains many aspects from other great DM wads. Enjoy...
1 new level
This single level has the order and effect of a fast paced deathmatch wad. The music in this wad is somber. The sound effects are very intense an...
A set of varied levels focused on fast, fun gameplay. My initial goal was to create maps suitable for the original engine. Most of the levels wor...