A 9-level Deathmatch episode based on circular-shaped rooms. Meant to be Deathmatch (1 or 2), but has both monsters and difficulty levels, and ca...
Boxing wad for Doom2 1.9 Bit of a larf really.....
QUIRUL.WAD is a DEATHMATCH pwad for you low weapon lovers...
I got the idea for this while playing 3 player deathmatch, and secretly ganging up one player. Here you can play 2, 3, 4 player deathmatch. The l...
Quite effective Deathmatch level utilizing responsive logistical projection and mobility. (What that means is you'll be running around like a bun...
This is my last level before DOOM ][. I will consider rebuilding this level and "The Final Gathering" for DOOM ][ when possible.
A brand new Heretic level! You don't see many of these anymore.
Well, this is the house I've been living in for the past year or so, replete with secret passages and stuff that isn't honestly there (with the n...