If you suck at Doom don't play this level, it's not worth your time. Erase it now. Or, if you don't have Super DooM Guns, wait till you do. Other...
DeathMatch only WAD Small, fast paced, level, leading to High frag counts. There is no exit. (Exit(s) suck in DeathMatch; that's what the escape ...
A base has been lost and now it's your job to recover it. One hint, every big weapon is protected by large monster(s).
Baphomet was only doing Satan's bidding by placing a powerful sigil in the teleporter out of E4M8 to bring you back to Hell. Somehow they didn't ...
I got a coupla DOOM editors, and decided to make my house. With a little bit more carnage and Satanism.
You were beamed down from your mother ship to kick : but. Do it and get out alive!
Emphasis on secrets, traps and size ;-) It helps to play E1M1 but it's not absolutely necessary :-) If you get 100% first time you used the cheat...
Another rejected map from the "Doom: the way ID did" project, this level replace e2m9...
E2M7: : 2 hours ago, you heard a distress signal coming : from the observatory on Mauna Kea mountain. : From the sounds of the distress signal, a...
Fight your way through Warehouses and storage facilities to the corrupt heart of the
my first level. it just grew and grew.
Crossfire level - challenging level for 1 player. Careful with that cyber-demon !!!!!!!!!! More fun if you suicide and re-start the level with no...
Nothing terriblely scarey, just a few barons, and some very tight stariwells, (i.e. calling it Stairmaster) Who needs elevators, real men/women t...
My 14th UD wad. This is a ICK base level. Everything happens on one floor. This map was intented for SKILL 4, no SKILL 1.
A small level intended for fun, slightly challenging single-play, and
Everything seems quiet. You see a lone soldier waiting for you. Taking him out with your pistol, you hear the screams of his comrades. What have ...
A 4 episode megawad for the Ultimate Doom containing 4 all new challenging episodes for you to test you're skill on, great architecture and lots ...
This is my second attempt at deuing it right.
A deliberately underdetailed episode 2 replacement with short to medium sized levels. Bugfixed version removes fatal e2m6 linedef error.
This is an entire level, complete with new music, weapons, and some new graphics. It was designed to provide the best of solo, deathmatch and coo...
Started out with no real plan since this is my first level, ended up quite cohesive though. BTW I like secrets <BG>.