Resources from the Ancient Aliens megawad. aa-tex.wad contains textures and flats. aa-mons.wad includes the custom monsters and custom decoration...
An office building, with a few weapons added
an old school wad with original textures,sounds,and music. description a large fortress, my personal masterpiece. will take about 1-1/2 hours to ...
A level for guys who want mainly to fight.
This level was originally a small deathmatch concept, but needed some additions to improve playability. This level is moderate in size and has be...
Simpsons sprites and sounds replacements
3 Months after the invasion of earth, you and your troops are doing whatever you can to clean up the last of the demons, but they still have a go...
This is a small taste of what is Mindstate DM, that it will be a DM Megawad maybe with 32 maps...
This is my third solo WAD. You'll notice my addiction to balconies. This one has some tricks to solve. There are no exotic weapons or monsters. I...
behold the wild misadventures of a first time mapper! watch as the struggle to understand basic design becomes real! witness the learning process...
First non-trivial attempt at a level. Look at the end of this template for the backgrond story.
Kick some monster butt.