"Wyvern Heights"<br><br> This well designed level has quite a few areas to discover, it takes me (the author) about 18 minutes to complete the en...
Torture - : Destroy the beasts controlling an : underground dungeon; mutilate them as : they have been mutilating your comrades.
This is a HERETIC version of TSR's Dungeons & Dragons module: White Plume Mountain recreated by Stephen Woods. To call this a SuperDungeon is no ...
This is my first Heretic wad.. It is a strickly Deathmatch level with a exit that is a pain to get to. It contains all the weapons of course. It ...
Large level, all keys used. It's fairly hard. It's divided into 4 sections...blah blah. I can't think of a good story, so just play it.
You have to find the lost temple on the mountain. the map is divided in two parts, the mountain, and the temple.
A small deathmatch level with a pit in the center where all weapons are located. Durkpit.wad has nomonsters. Durkpitm.wad has monsters.
You start in the hall and a whord of undead things have over taken Ben's house. It is your job to rid it of all monsters!
1st Heretic Level Built Check it out, it get pretty intense at the end.
Eidolon's lair from Hexen II converted to Heretic
This is my old house. If you make a mess, clean it up. I love playing house wads the best. There aren't that many i've found so i made my own. I ...
Three water-themed levels for Heretic.
AWESOME! Heretic deathmatch wad 2 to 4 player Been playin with different texture editing programs.
A rather large and intricate level with a hell of a lot of switches and creatures. Yes. The phoenix rod can be gotten.
A nice puzzling level for all you heretic lovers. NO NEED TO CHEAT IN THIS LEVEL!! Please email me with your comments
Single/Co-op/DM wad for Heretic. Large and tough single player wad, it is best for Cooperative play, especially network (4 player), but it is als...
Now you will fight in a decadent fortress, I recomend you to play on lower skills, because
While traveling through a desert region, you are ambushed and knocked unconscious by a group of golems. You wake up to find yourself inside a sar...
A port of KewL for DooM ][. I heard a lot of people actually liked it (wow!) So i did this.
My first WAD, a simple Heretic deathmatch map, constructive criticism appreciated.
I derrived this wad from the excellent Chicken.wad from Doom...the text file was not anywhere to be found for it, so I guess I have permission..i...